Although I HEART ROBOT will be fourth published novel, I’m still feeling that giddy excitement courtesy of the butterflies in the my tummy stirring up cyclones as release day approaches. We’re still more than a month away from release – which happens March 31st – but we’re already gearing up for promotion.

I Heart Robot Trailer Reveal Banner_2

On February 26 the trailer is taking place. This is hosted by Xpresso Blog Tours and if you’re interested in participating, please go here for more information and the sign-up form.


Next, we have the official blog tour hosted by Chapter by Chapter. The tour runs from March 30 to April 12. You can host guest posts, interviews, promo spotlights and of course reviews, so if you’d like to get your hands on an ARC of my book or share the love for Scandinavian androids on your blog, please pop over here to sign-up.

I am so excited for the release of I Heart Robot! I cannot wait to share this story with the world. Thank you to everyone for all the support over the past year and all the love you’ve already shown this book. I couldn’t do this without my readers!

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