Top Ten Tuesday: Sequels I Wish I Had!

toptentuesdayThis Week’s Topic:

Top Ten Books I Wish Could Have Had Sequels (they were complete stories but you just could have read more and more about these characters or set in that world)

I’m not a huge fan of series. I tend to read a lot of Book One’s and never get much further than that. However, there are a few stand-alones, I wish I could have more of and here they are:

The Scorpio Races

One of my all time favourite books. I thought it was a series and was devastated to discover it wasn’t. More Sean Kendrick please!


And no, Drawing Blood is not an adequate sequel, because I need more Ghost and he wasn’t in Drawing Blood.


I really enjoyed R and would’ve loved to spend more time in his company. There is a prequel but that doesn’t count since we’re talking sequels here.


Given the poem upon which this story is based, I knew how it would end and that a sequel was unlikely. However, I really really hope my favourite secondary character from this novel gets her own story. I’m dying to go back to Dochas!

And lastly a book that actually has a sequel, but not the one that I wanted…


I wanted more Katsa and Po, not an entirely new cast in a parallel world. Not even Bitterblue is satisfactory because I wanted more of Katsa!

What are some of your favourite books you wish had sequels?

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