Six Sentence Sunday

So in the spirit of sharing six sentence from my latest WiP, here are a couple from my brand new story. I was attacked by inspiration and couldn’t not write this story. It’s about robots and violins, and revolution and cybernetic puppies. So here are six sentence from my WiP tentatively titled I Heart Robot:

“The weird and wild gather at my feet and I know what it is to be a god. I play, sawing and arcing, letting the frenzied music spool from some hidden recess in my core, out through my fingers and into the night.

And they say that a robot has no soul.

There’s a girl in the crowd too clean and pretty to be one of the scavengers. Her hair forms dark waves around her face obscuring her eyes as she dances like seaweed in the waves.

I play until my fingers ooze, until my pseudo vertebrae develop a crick, until my audience has collapsed in a stupour, until the inebriation code runs its course and returns me to sobriety; the buzz in my circuitry an incessant reminder of my overindulgence.”

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